


阿根廷險勝 主帥勉強給及格

(路透里約熱內盧15日電)阿根廷國家隊今天在世界盃足球賽2-1險勝波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納,總教練薩貝亞(Alejandro Sabella)認為表現算及格,但阿根廷如果想在世界盃留下好成績,表現必須提升。薩貝亞對阿根廷的表現給予6分,滿分10分。他說:「我們顯然必須提升表現,我自己也得改進。」「上半場,我想我們把局面掌控得很好,但我們沒有展現出下半場那種深度。」中場休息時,薩貝亞叫阿根廷球員多傳給梅西,讓梅西持球時有更多選擇,這項戰略奏效,比賽第65分鐘梅西與伊瓜因(Higuain)踢牆配合後勁射,球擊中球門立柱內側進網。薩貝亞說:「我想不論本屆世界盃表現如何,梅西都是全世界最優秀的球員,也是足球史上最優秀的球員之一。」中央社(翻譯)■新聞專輯/瘋足球!世足精采全記錄 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Argentina's Lionel Messi is congratulated by his teammates after scoring a goal against Bosnia during their 2014 World Cup Group F soccer match at the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro June 15, 2014.... 較多Argentina's Lionel Messi is congratulated by his teammates after scoring a goal against Bosnia during their 2014 World Cup Group F soccer match at the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro June 15, 2014. (Michael Dalder/Reuters) 較少 1 / 30 Reuters | 拍攝者 MICHAEL DALDER / REUTERS 2014年6月16日週一 台北標準時間上午8時00分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image


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